Tuesday 17 April 2012

Webinar: Apps in Action for Emergent Learners

During our second class, we were divided into small groups with the intention of having each group educate the class on the use of apps for the iPod or iPad in specific situations or with specific populations.  The population our group will be discussing is emergent learners.  With clarification from our professor, I have come to define this population as those who are preschoolers, those in early elementary grades, and those with developmental delays in upper elementary grades.

Realizing that our group has yet to present, I do not want to spoil our presentation with an elaborate preview here, but I will share a few interesting highlights.
1) As with any new teaching strategy, apps cannot be used without proper planning.  There are matters of content, duration of play, supervision, and usage restrictions to consider.
2) Apps can be useful to assist with language development, development of basic concepts, motor development, early literacy development, and development of problem solving skills.
3) The number of apps available is astronomical.  When choosing apps, the educator or parent ought to take the time to research with the needs of the particular child to use the apps in mind.
4) Although some apps can be expensive, many apps are free or cheaply priced.
5) Some app developers seem to have developed some highly educational apps for emergent learners.  Stay tuned for our "pick list" of developers.

For a sneak peak of these apps, check out these two YouTube clips about the Super Why app. The first video clip is a review, and the second one is a demonstration.