Monday 9 April 2012

In the beginning...

As I begin this class (Education 569), my hope is to glean as much information as I can to help all students I teach to learn in ways that are appropriate for them as individuals.  As I learn about the variety of services and devices which are available, I hope to keep in mind how to use these tools with inclusion in mind.  I see the movement towards using assistive technology in the classroom as one which began with the intention of providing services and devices to individual students with disabilities, but as a movement which could be useful for all students as individuals (with students using devices and services appropriate to their needs), which could create equity in classrooms (as students select from a variety of resources to maximize their own learning), and which could eliminate the stigma associated with the use of resources (because all students have access to and use resources of some sort).

Source of cartoon: Thompson, M. (2011). Reducing barriers, reducing risk: Increasing access and inclusion of students with disabilities. Retrieved April 9, 2012, from:


Above is a cartoon which, for me, links the use of an assistive device to inclusion.  While the stairs work for individuals with able-bodies, the ramp works for everyone.  While keeping in mind that individuals require (or prefer) different tools, I hope to learn about those tools that work to create "level playing fields" for all.

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