Tuesday 17 April 2012

Learning the Lingo

Source: Funny cartoon, funny cartoon pictures. (2010). Retrieved April 17, 2012, from http://www.cartoonbuddyblog.com/
As we venture through the lessons of this class, I sometimes feel like I need to learn a new language. I am overwhelmed by the terms about technology (for example, cloud computing, encrypted, form factors, universal design for learning, Proloquo2go, etc.) and about disabilities (for example, augmented communication, dysgraphia, and dysphasia). Rather than having my learning greatly decelerated by those negative feelings or shut down completely, I am trying to keep a lesson I learn repeatedly from students in mind: We learn information when the material is relevant and meaningful to our everyday lives. Children learn by doing; they are interested in what is around them. I, too, can learn by doing. Obtaining a degree in Information Technology or Computing Sciences and another degree in Psychology or Behavioural Sciences might help me understand the language; however, playing or learning by doing will advance my understanding too, and playing to learn will be more financially feasible and time efficient for me.


  1. Sherry, I too keep reminding myself that just as children learn by doing, so do I! Some of the terms used in class have been new to me too and I find that I am empathizing with those students who's disabilities may keep them from participating to their fullest too. Makes me realize how important AT is for those who need assistance in reaching their abilities, not just those who have to spend a bit more time to catch onto concepts.

  2. Great posts Sherry. Your depth, understanding, reflections and honesty are appreciated. Thank goodness we have the internet and all that information at our fingertips to discover independently. If we are not understanding a certain term i.e. Universal Design for Learning anyone can do as you did - go find the answer just by googling the term! That is what we need to impart in our teaching practices these days - the teachers are no longer the "bearers" of all knowledge but facilitators. As you say - you learn by doing. I hope others are realizing that is what this course is also attempting to convey and practice. Thanks for your comments.

  3. Thank you both for the encouragement.
