Sunday 22 April 2012

Reading Reflection #2

One of my favourite sentence from "Mobile Devices and Students with Disabilities: What Do Best Practices Tell Us?" (Newton & Dell, 2011) is "Purchasing mobile devices without knowing about the students who will use them, the environments in which they will be used, and the tasks that will be supported is the antithesis of good AT practice" (p. 48). This line reminds me that good planning is always important when we decide to teach anything in any manner. (Plus, I like the word "antithesis.") My other favourite sentence is "...[Put] the student - not the device - at the heart of the decision-making process..." (p. 48) Just as I stress to students that the language they use in papers should speak with people first (rather than identifying groups of people or individuals by their disabilities), this sentence carries a similar message: people first.

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