Wednesday 2 May 2012

Video Shared during Apps for Early Learners Presentation

The Video from Our "Apps for Early Learners" Presentation

Although I am inclined to agree with some of my classmates who state that the girl in this video looks older than 1 year old, I think we could agree that she is still likely a preschooler which means she would be classified as an early learner. I also believe the video is a great image of an early learner using the iPad well. The notable characteristics in the video are two about "rules for engagement": the caregiver is present and the iPad is on a stable surface. The other notable characteristics are about the app itself. The app has audio so the child can associate sound and symbol for the letters and words. There is a clue for solving (i.e. the correct letter location for the word puzzle lights up). In addition, the app is educational (encouraging early literacy skills) and it is age appropriate.


  1. I was thinking the same thing about the age of the little girl but do agree that it is age appropriate. I think the clues about where the letter goes is great for children her age. Just hearing the letter sound and recognizing its character is nice...actually putting it in a word might be secondary. My daughter who is three has this app so I was familiar with it before the presentation. I think that being aware of the age is extremely important and making sure that you check the app to make sure that the learning is there and it is not simply a novelty.

  2. I agree, Leanne. I found myself wondering how to select apps with the plethora of them available. With the help of the presentations, the webinar I viewed, and some research for our presentation and the assessment models, I am starting to feel more confident that I could select (or suggest) suitable apps and other technology for students and my own children.
