Thursday 24 May 2012

Misunderstood Minds: A Presentation of Three Chapters

This week, students in our class were placed in groups and asked to watch three videos from the "Misunderstood Minds" video series.  This series packs a powerful message about students who have difficulties learning in the ways typically used in school systems.  Our group watched Chapters 1, 6, and 7.  Below is our summary of the stories of three children: Nathan Vanhoy, Adam Dunning, and Nathan Suggs.  After the summary of their stories, you will find some of the learning lessons we took from those stories.  (Thank you, Farnoush and Lloyd, for your work on this assignment.)

I plan to watch the entire series, even though it was not a class assignment.  If you, too, would like to watch the series, click here: Misunderstood Minds


  1. So many students struggle in school for so many different reasons, with LD being just one of the reasons, abet an important cause. As a high school teacher, I see what happens when students fail to experience success in school. The social, emotional and intellectuals costs of not recognizing and working with students with learning disabilities is tremendous. We need to become proactive and not reactive and focusing on punishment as a means of "fixing" students who struggle with school work and routines.

  2. Wanda,
    If you haven't already seen the video Mary Jo posted with Dr. David Rose as a presenter, have a look. He talks about how we view the disability. Based on your use of quotation marks around the word fixing, I think you may like his presentation.

    1. Sherry, I love the way you included a chart to outline Lessons learned from the kids stories!Very easy to understand:) Thanks, Mary Jo
