Sunday 3 June 2012

Assignment #2 - Designing a Resource Weblog with UDL Principles in Mind

This week, we were presented with our second assignment.  Armed with a class profile and a unit topic to teach (listed below), we formed groups.  Based on these descriptors, our task is/was (the assignment has been given, but is not yet completed) to design a weblog including student and teacher resources which provide opportunities for all students in the classroom to learn by following UDL principles (multiple means of representation, multiple means of action and expression, and multiple means of engagement). 

The Class Profile:  With 20 students in the class (16 boys and 4 girls), there is one student who has significant cognitive delays and is an emergent reader, two students who have dyslexia and struggle with decoding fixed print, another student who has dysgraphia, one boy who has ADHD, and two students with autism (on different ends of the spectrum). 
The teachers/weblog contributors have access to any technology and assistive technology they need (iPad carts, WiFi, iPod Touches, laptops, computers, etc.).

The Unit Topic: Life Cycle of the Frog

Our weblog is still under construction as I write this, but should be available to you all shortly.  

The "Ah-ha Moment" for Me:
While I was originally concerned about creating a resource weblog to address the needs of students based on the above class profile - as opposed to knowledge of individual students' strengths, weaknesses, needs, and preferences - I was set back on track by our instructor.  (Thank you, Barbara.)  The idea behind UDL is to consider teaching lessons, materials, methods, and assessments that provide multiple means of presentation, multiple means of action and expression, and multiple means of engagement.  The idea of this assignment is not to practice providing access based on the class profile, but to practice providing access to all students (i.e., to practice planning with UDL in mind).  

Yes, I may have momentarily lost sight of the learning goal, but I think I'm back on track now.  This momentary loss just serves to remind me how difficult it can be to shift our perspectives - or change old habits - and how practice makes perfect.  I realize thinking with UDL in mind is logical, but beginning lesson-planning with UDL in mind is not something I have had the opportunity to practice until now.  I plan to continuing working at lesson-planning in this way until this practice is a habit.  


  1. What a great resource these blogs are going to be! Can not wait to see them all! I have peeked at some that have provided a link and they are looking awesome! It is so nice to have differentiated material for a unit available in one spot to pick and choose from!

  2. I agree, Barbara. (And to think...I was incredibly nervous about blogging at the beginning of this course. Now, I turn to the blogs to get my ideas down somewhere and to get other people's ideas to help me with my own searches.)
